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来源:郑州天顺食品添加剂有限公司 发布时间:2022-10-20 11:25:34 关注: 0 次
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氢氧化钾常用作化工助剂,是常用的原材料之一,因此在很多行业中储备量比较大,这对储存和操作处置方面提出了很高的要求,毕竟化工产品的储存是比 较严格的,这也完全是为了自身考虑。本文从多方面入手,讲述氢氧化钾操作处理与储存知识。
Potassium hydroxide is commonly used as chemical additives and is one of the commonly used raw materials. Therefore, it has a large reserve in many industries, which puts forward high requirements for storage and operation and disposal. After all, the storage of chemical products is relatively strict, which is completely for its own consideration. In this paper, the knowledge of potassium hydroxide operation and storage is introduced from many aspects.
氢氧化钾储存于阴凉、干燥、通风良好的库房,由于产品具有一定的吸水性因此存储场所干燥,用钢桶密封保存,但不要超过100公斤,避免造 成运输困难。远离火种、热源。库温不超过35℃,相对湿度不超过80%,这点比较好理解,化学产品都有一定的化学反应,尤其是产品加热后很容易产生反应, 因此要严格遵守。包装需密封,塑料袋或二层牛皮纸袋外全开口或中开口钢桶都可以,切勿受潮。应与易燃物、酸类等分开存放,切忌混储。储区应备有合适 的材料收容泄漏物,在搬运或者取用过程中因硬物划伤造成产品洒落后能及时处理,杜绝隐患。
Potassium hydroxide is stored in a cool, dry and well ventilated warehouse. Because the product has a certain degree of water absorption, the storage place is dry and sealed with steel barrels, but it should not exceed 100 kg to avoid transportation difficulties. Keep away from fire and heat. The storage temperature is not more than 35 ℃ and the relative humidity is not more than 80%. It is easy to understand that chemical products have certain chemical reactions, especially after heating, they are easy to react, so they should be strictly observed. The package should be sealed. Plastic bags or two-layer kraft paper bags can be used with full opening or middle opening steel buckets, and do not get damp. It should be stored separately from inflammables and acids, and should not be mixed. The storage area should be equipped with appropriate materials to hold the leakage, which can be handled timely after the products are scratched by hard objects in the process of handling or taking, so as to eliminate the hidden dangers.
The storage of potassium hydroxide should be observed by technicians at any time. If it has not been used for a long time, it needs to be tested to avoid product changes caused by weather factors and affect the use effect.


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