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来源:郑州天顺食品添加剂有限公司 发布时间:2022-10-13 15:40:34 关注: 0 次
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  You know what potassium hydroxide solution is. There is a method for the production of this kind of commodity called membrane titanium electrode. Both the processing process of this method and the production of this kind of commodity can be used. Here is a detailed display:
  Physical properties: potassium hydroxide solution is a milky white absorbent liquid, which is easy to sublimate over the solution point. The most soluble water and alcohol. The liquid solution is milky white orthorhombic crystal, and there are small pieces, small particles and small pieces on the market.
  Safety factor: corrosion is obvious, dissolved water releases a lot of heat. Inhalation is an important irritant to the respiratory system or causes combustion. Direct contact of the skin and eyes can cause burns. If your eyes or skin come into contact with potassium hydroxide solution, quickly and continuously clean the damaged area with clear water for about a quarter of an hour. Internal administration can burn the digestive system, which is fatal.
  Main use: it is used for the production of potassium salt in potassium hydroxide solution, such as potassium permanganate, potassium nitrite, dipotassium hydrogen, etc. Japanese industry produces soap. The rechargeable battery industry produces alkaline battery electrolyte.
  Potassium hydroxide solution has a good performance. Because of its various properties, it has been widely used in many aspects and testing. The following is a detailed description of the test method for this raw material aqueous solution:
  1. 使用橙色卫生棉条来去除皮肤损伤。
  1. Use orange tampons to remove skin damage.
  2. 用玻璃镜片的边缘刮掉关键部位的皮肤,然后将残留部分或残留部分擦到另一块夹层玻璃上。
  2. Scrape off the skin of key parts with the edge of glass lens, and then rub the residual part or residual part onto another laminated glass.
  Good sampling points are: (1) the inside or bottom of the scar root, (2) the soft or metabolic area in the middle of the toe, (3) the edge of the injury, and (4) the bottom of the hair.
  3. Mix 1 drop of 10% potassium hydroxide solution with the remaining residue.
  4. 溶栓调频电源开关。倒上蜡来固定它。
  4. Thrombolysis FM power switch. Pour wax to fix it.
  The less money, the better.
  If you want to test the potassium hydroxide you purchased, you can use the above method for testing.


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